Fried chicken
Deep-fried anything sure does taste good. And that satisfying crunch you enjoy once you bite into your fried food is something that is hard to replace.
Gummy bear
We all love a sweet treat once and a while. But candies such as gummy bears are pretty much void of anything nutritious, as they are essentially made from pure sugar.
It is recommended that people should consume more fish and shellfish for brain health benefits because of the healthy fats and choline many options provide. But there are some caveats that go with that generalized recommendation.
Hot dog
We generally don't eat hot dogs or other ultra-processed meats thinking they are a "health food.
Fast food
PFAS are found in hamburger wrappers, pizza boxes, and other packaging that are grease-resistant.
Donuts are also deep fried and are considered an ultra-processed food, highlighting just how detrimental eating them frequently can be to your brain health.