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7 Healthy Foods You Should Be Eating Every Day

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Kale's popularity is here to stay, because this leafy green is packed with so much nutrition. In fact, one cup of kale contains 177 milligrams of bone-nourishing calcium.

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Blueberry can improve vision, is anticancer, antidiabetes, anti-obesity, is preventive against neurodegeneration and macular degeneration as well as osteoporosis, can reduce hyperlipidemia and hypertension, as well as heart disease

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Walnuts are very high in fat, but fortunately, it is a good type of fat known as α‐linolenic acid (ALA)—a type of omega-3 fatty acid.

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Chia seed

One serving of chia seeds not only covers almost a third of fiber needs for the day, but it is rich in antioxidants that can have protective effects against chronic disease.

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Similar to kale, spinach is a dark leafy green that is rich in a variety of nutrients including vitamin K, calcium, and vitamin C.

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Like blueberries, raspberries are an incredibly nutrient-dense fruit. Their nutrient profile is similar to blueberries, but they are one of the richest sources of fiber across the plant kingdom—making them an excellent addition to your list of healthy foods to eat every day. 

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